Wednesday, February 13, 2019

In this weeks lab we collected data of any saftey feature outside or inside. I chose the emergency phone poles located around The University Of West Florida. We had to located five of them and collect data on it. We found the cordinal point of each, looked at the condition, and lastly took a photo of them. Before we even got to start collecting the data as I said above, we had to learn how to create an empty feature class and input the correct setttings so that once you collected the data it would show up and work. This in my opinion was the hardest part. I t was difficult finding all the details in the settings and making sure they are correct. One tiny mistake could ruinthe entire project. The collection of data was the easier part for me. It was actually cool watching how it trasfered from my phone to the online data base. Overall I enjoyed this lab.

Basic Story Map:

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