Tuesday, November 24, 2020

 Lab 5

This lab discovers the classifications in EDRAS. We focused on supervised and unsupervised classifications mostly. We learned how to create are own signatures for water and roads on this particular project, recoding with unique classes (urban, road, grass, deciduous forest, mixed forest, fallow, agriculture, and water) and lastly calculating the area of each class. Once we finished this we put the map in ArcGIS and created a map layout. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

                                                                               LAB 4


During this lab we used EDRAS and ARGIS to manipulate the way an image can look through different color combinations. We adjusted the RGB's of the image to successfully show the points we were trying to. One could also use the the histogram to change how you see the image.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

                                                                          LAB 3

In this lab we began to learn the concepts of ERDAS Imagine. Some main things we learned was how to add raster data, see more than one view point, adding rows in the attribute table, and different symbology. Once we made the map we transferred it into GIS and used our prior knowledge to make a map. 


  In the first deliverable a polygon class features were made to highlight spots of different tones and different textures. The tone is highlighted in the legend as black and the texture in red. The polygons each had text to describe the lightest/darkest and finest/most-course areas. In the second map a point class features were made to show t features like shadows, shapes, and association them with what they actually were. Text was added to show what each feature was, as well as a legend.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

This last and final project was the largest of all. However, I thoroughly enjoyed everything I learned throughout this semester and it helped me complete my final project. My final project was based on the trash located at Fort Pickens. After several attempts I completed all seven maps which were, elevation, reefs, locations of trash, location of trash cans, and original data. Below are pictures of all of my maps. Over all I had a great semester and wanted to thank you for all of the help.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

March 6th, 2019

This lab at first looked pretty difficult to me, however once I got started I went through it with minimum problems. The hardest part was learning how to clip the data in my opinion, and making sure it was the right projection so that everything lined up correctly. I really enjoyed the freedom of this assignment and being able to chose what you wanted on your map. My favorite part was creating the layouts with the maps and making them look the way you wanted. The one issue I did have problems with was clipping the DEM data. However, overall I enjoyed this lab and was happy with my results.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Week 6: Projections Part 2

This weeks lab was very challenging for me. We covered how to dowload data, importing data, defanging data, converting data, and lastly explaining what the data you had meant. I had many issues dowloading the data from Labins.org and unzipping it to use on Arc GIS Pro. However after multiple tries, I was able to figure out how to do it. Conveting the data was also a step that was confusing for me. Making sure you input the data or feature class correctly and output it correctly is critical. If you don't it was mess up the points of data you wanted. Calculating in the excel document was somthing very new to me in this lab as well. It was really cool how powerful excel was. Over all this lab was challenging and took a lot of time, but I did finish it.